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10th anniversary

Altalena Arts festival and summer school

22nd August - 1st September
Telki, Budapest Hungary


Anna Korondi

Singing Masterclass with Anna Korondi together with Alexander technique workshops with Johanna Peine

August 22nd-25th

Masterclasses and music competition of the Summer Academy in Telki

26th-29th August

Professors invited


Bertrand Giraud, Inna Montesclaros, Nicholas Walker


Adrian Justus és Erika Geldsetzer


Varga István, Devich Gergely


Noah Max


Garzuly Anna

Get in touch:

Altalena Arts Festival in Telki

30th August - 1st September

Artists of the Altalena concerts in 2024

Klukon Edit – Ránki Dezső Angelo Petraglia – Balog Alexandra – Berecz Mihály – 
Devich Gergely – Ránki Fülöp – Vida Mónika Ruth – Korondi Anna –  Garzuly Anna –
Blerim Grubi – Inna Montesclaros – 
Adrian Justus – David Antigüedad Mangas –Balog Gabriella – Dolfin Benjámin –
Dolfin Balázs – Toth Barbara –
Agócs Gergely – Agócs Julianna –  Arslanbek Sultanbekov – Berecz István – Pusko Márton  – Tóth Sándor –
Molnár Péter – Tálas Áron –Szalóky Balázs – Noah Max – Bertrand Giraud –
Erika Geldsetzer – Nicholas Walker
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